Win the Carousel Sun audiobook

Well, Audible has kindly provided me with ten codes that, in the right hands, will each automagically become a free Carousel Sun audiobook.

All I have to do is figure out how to get them into the right hands.

So!  Here’s what we’re going to do.

My birthday is this coming Thursday.  You know and I know that what I’ll be doing on my birthday is slaving over a hot manuscript, but! that begs the Important Question, which is. . .

What OUGHT I to be doing on my birthday?

Plan my birthday celebration for me in comments here!  Top ten celebrations each win one of these codes good for a free audiobook of Carousel Sun, the sequel to Carousel Tides; the second book in the Archers Beach Trilogy by Sharon Lee!

Contest closes at 12:01 am EDT on Friday, September 12.

Given that I will be slaving over a hot manuscript, let’s say that I’ll award the prizes by Sunday, September 14.

Have at it!

Published by


With Steve Miller, I've co-written 23 science fiction and fantasy books, most set in the Liaden Universe®, and the Archers Beach trilogy -- Carousel Tides, Carousel Sun, Carousel Seas -- under my own byline.