As advertised elsewhere, I will be on-site at Archers Beach Old Orchard Beach during the month of September. This is a working research and writing trip — my first ever! This is what comes of mostly working in a totally imaginary universe. Not to mention that I’d scarcely last an hour on Solcintra port, given the Utter Terran-ness of my manners.
Be that as may be, I’ll be repurposing this space as a working blog. I’ve also set up a Pinterest board, here, where I’ll be posting such photographs of the town as I may make. Be aware that I am not a photographer of note.
Anyone who may be interested in these various iterations of an Author at Work is invited to join the fun.
Since it has been requested, and assuming I can figure out how to make it work, I’ll be adding a PayPal button to the sidebar. If you’re of a mind to support the site, the blog, the photographic endeavors, or the author at work — the button is your friend.
Here ends your Distant Early Warning.