Last reminder: Steve Miller and Sharon Lee will be on the road in support of Trade Secret, the seventeenth and newest Liaden Universe® novel. We’ll be signing books, reading excerpts, talking trash, drinking coffee and eating cookies (cookies!). This is the roadshow of the century, here, and you don’t want to miss it.
Are we going to be in your town? Here’s the schedule. We hope to see you — yes, you! and your friends and family, too! — at one or more of our stops along the way.*
Now! As you see from the schedule, our very first stop on the tour is tomorrow night — that’s Halloween! — at Pandemonium Books, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Which means? — anyone?
Yes, you with the curly green beard. . .thank you, very good!
It means that I’ll be on the road, with limited connectivity.
This is important to you, because. . .
. . .Madame the Editor, who is, it must be admitted, a bit of a tease, has made reference to All Hallows Eve as perhaps a Day of Interest for those who have been waiting for the eArc of Carousel Sun. This is not, understand, in any way a promise on Madame’s part, though the date would be particularly apt.
So! This is what I’d like you to do for me, if you would be so very kind:
If the eArc comes up — shout the news from the rooftops. Tell all your friends, post it to Facebook, Twitter, relevant listservs, and on your blog. It would be a big help for the title, since it’s been so long — 2010! — since Carousel Tides came out, and after a while people forget to look for a sequel.
Thank you.
On the Getting Ready to Rhumba Front, packing has been accomplished. There are a couple more house chores to be finished ere we leave — the sheets are washing now, for instance; and we have a late-breaking business conference call to deal with, mid-afternoon, then the Ritual Handing Off of the Key to the House Sitter.
The cats, of course, are taking all of this in stride. I have the pictures to prove it:
*If we are not going to be in your town this time, and you are, or know of, a bookstore or convention who would like to host us, please pass this information on to Baen. Thanks!